What a good photograph can do for your brand

You just took a photo and you are looking at the viewfinder on the back of your camera and you hate the results. Frustration is an understatement!!!! All the curse words are flying out of your mouth. In fact, you want to throw the camera out the window, but you resist that urge.


You do not need to do that. You have three options:


1) hire some like myself to handle your personal branding photos

2) take a course to learn the basics so that you are able to improve your skills and gain more business, like Photography for Entrepreneurs.

3) stay frustrated.


That last option is not the best choice. It will keep you in a state of anger and not be very productive in your business or your personal life.


Do you love taking photos? Before I decided on becoming a photographer I remember trying to chase puppies (I used to breed dogs) and take their photos for an ad. It became a competition between my ex-husband and I. He used to get so frustrated. For those who are interested, I won!


There is a way to break down the process and make it possible for you to take amazing photographs for your business. You just need to learn the basics of lighting, the rules and what you really need so that you are able to do so. You realize that a good photo will help set you apart from your competition and you can finally start to sell more.

Close your eyes, you can just picture it, you just took the most incredible photo. All by yourself! Now look at you go, you are almost ready to cry happy tears. You did it, you really and truly did it.


All you needed was a little faith in yourself! You got this!